Friday, March 13, 2009

Why Realistic Self Defense For Women?

Why did I create this thing I call RSD?

It all started when I felt I wasn't skilled enough to get out of a few holds. Mainly floor pins. I set up an instructor-via a strong peer, and he couldn't break the hold either. I decided self defense classes were not going to work for everyone every time. I wanted to create a simple system that an average woman could utilize. The more experimenting I did the more I realized that we need to learn how to evolve our natural defensive reactions into counter attacking actions. If you naturally bite, bite. If you kick, learn how to do that more effectively. Don't change your first natural reaction because it will cause a pause; critical lost time to save yourself. Don't let someone tell you how to react. When you are terrified you will do it your way anyway. Stay basis, basic in terms of what you physically implement. This system is meant for those who do not want to spend years learning the more complicated techniques.
However, keep in mind that self protection really starts with your decisions way before you are in a compromising situation. Most violence, unfortunately occurs within the framework of those we know-domestic abuse and date rape leading the pack. How do we all reduce these crimes?
Talk and get educated for a start. Don't keep your 'stuff' in the closet. Don't accept that you are a target.
My vision is that we will bring so much attention to violence and injustice against women, on a world wide scale, that one day there won't be a need to learn the physical skills to fight back. Through education understanding and acceptance we can more beyond violence.

What do you think?

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