Saturday, March 7, 2009

Self-Protection 101 Cell Phones

Cell phones can be your friend or your enemy. Not to mention they can pop popcorn!!
(I use my phone only when I absolutely need to)!

When you are 'out and about' and feel uncomfortable/unsafe call a friend/family. Tell them where you are and keep them on the line until you relocate to a safer location. Never hesitate to call 911 if you feel you are in danger. Have 911 programed into your phone, especially at home, so you only have to hit one button to receive help. (Being on the phone, as you are watching anyone who makes you uncomfortable, may be a deterrent for them to approach you).

It may sound like common sense, but keep your cells charged. I once found myself in a place where I thought I might need assistance due to car troubles, and I realized that my cell did not have any charge left on it. I only use mine for emergence's and had it in the glove compartment. Fortunately, I made it home and did not need the phone.

Cell phones can be real distraction. As awareness is critical in self-protection, I always challenge my students to open up their vision whenever they place a cell to their head. Never drive and use a cell at the same time. It is impossible to focus on driving 100% when you are on the phone.
Keep your head up and remain aware of your surroundings when you are on the phone.

Have a great weekend!


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